Moral Value Timun Mas

Gambar Ilustrasi Legenda Timun Mas Hilustrasi

Pesan moral cerita rakyat Timun Mas. Setiap manusia akan Tuhan uji dengan berbagai masalah namun setiap masalah yang diberikan Tuhan pasti ada jalan keluarnya. Tidak ada masalah yang tidak akan menemukan jalan keluarnya. Oleh sebab itu sebagai seorang manusia, sudah sepantasnya kita bersabar ketika diberi masalah, tidak mengeluh apalagi.

Gambar Ilustrasi Legenda Timun Mas Hilustrasi

Cerita tersebut mengisahkan seorang gadis pemberani yang berhasil meloloskan diri dari seorang raksasa. Ibunya, Mbok Srini, memerintahkannya Timun Mas untuk lari dengan membekalinya empat benda, yaitu: benih timun ajaib, jarum garam dan adonan udang. Ketika sedang dikejar oleh si raksasa, Timun Mas melemparkan benda-benda tersebut satu per satu.

(PDF) Moral Value and Character Building Education in Folklore from Central Java “Timun Mas”

Where all the data collected is based on books and other supporting document data. From the discussion of the Timun Mas folklore, there are eight prominent moral values, namely religious values, independent values, curiosity values, hard work values, responsibility values, honesty values, creativity, the value of the spirit of hard work.

Gambar Cerita Timun Mas Terbaru

Gruesome Stories versus Moral Values in Children Literature: The Little Mermaid and Timun Mas Imron Wakhid Harits University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia [email protected]


The story of Timun Mas contains moral values in mitigating the natural disaster of mud torrent. The event told in the plot of Timun Mas is the metaphor of an individual who desired to fight for.

Buku Siswa Legenda Rakyat Timun Mas TK/PAUD CV.Aryaduta

Timun Mas ini merupakan cerita rakyat Jawa Tengah, yang menceritakan anak perempuan cantik yang baik hati, cerdas, dan pemberani. Di usia yang masih muda, Timun Mas berani melawan raksasa jahat yang ingin menyantapnya. Baca Juga : 7 Dongeng Anak dari Legenda Cerita Rakyat, Menarik dan Sarat Makna. Dikutip Cerita Rakyat Nusantara, cerita Timun.

Timun Emas, Indonesian folktale retold and illustrated by Evi Shelvia, published by Oyez!Books

The Timun Mas story is an archipelago folklore that has been known since ancient times. Based on the analyzed of the content of Timun Mas folklore, the writer found that there are many moral values obtained in Timun Mas folklore and it is important for the character building of future generation.

Timun Mas Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

Timun Mas or Timun Emas (English: "The Golden Cucumber") is a Javanese folktale telling the story of a brave girl that tries to escape and survive from an evil green giant that tried to catch and eat her. Summary. Once upon a time in Java, there was a poor widow named Mbok Srini who lived alone on the edge of a jungle. She felt so lonely and.

The Story of Timun Mas Book Trailer Learn Indonesian Through Story YouTube

Where all the data collected is based on books and other supporting document data. From the discussion of the Timun Mas folklore, there are eight prominent moral values, namely religious values, independent values, curiosity values, hard work values, responsibility values, honesty values, creativity, the value of the spirit of hard work.

Timun Mas Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

He was still chasing Timun Mas. Timun Mas run again. And when he almost got her, she spread the salt. Suddenly, the land became an ocean. The giant tried to swim. Although he almost drowned, he was still chasing Timun Mas. Then Timun Mas spread her last weapon -the fermented shrimp paste- and suddenly the ocean became a mud ocean.

Timun Mas The Golden Cucumber (bilingual Full Colour)

Folklore is a story that originated in society and developed in society in the past which played an important role in the development of children's character learning in the form of moral values. The purpose of this study was to explain the moral

Cerita Singkat Timun Mas (The Golden Cucumber) Javanese folktale ·

Ia berpikir semakin dewasa, Timun Mas semakin enak disantap. Mbok Sirni semakin sayang sama Timun Mas. Di sisi lain, ia merasa cemas dan sedih kalau teringat janjinya. Suatu malam Mbak Sirni bermimpi. Dalam mimpinya itu disebutkan bahwa agar anaknya selamat maka ia harus menemui petapa di Gunung Gundul.

Cerita Rakyat Timun Mas Beserta Strukturnya LEMBARINFO

Where all the data collected is based on books and other supporting document data. From the discussion of the Timun Mas folklore, there are eight prominent moral values, namely religious values.


Finally, Timun Mas was 17th birthday. Butho Ijo appeared at Mbok Srini's house to take Timun Mas as promised. He will eat the Timun Mas. Mbok Srini asked Timun Mas to run for her life. Timun Mas was scared and ran as fast as she can to try to escape the giant. The giant was angry and destroyed Mbok Srini's house while chasing Timun Mas.


Timun Mas spread salts behind her back. Suddenly a sea appeared behind her drowning the evil giant. Unfortunately, the giant could swim well though the sea and run after her again. Timun Mas desperately opened the last thing her mother gave to her, the shrimp paste turns into boiling volcanic mud and drowned him.

Kandungan Nilai Moral Cerita Rakyat Timun Mas Informasi Terbaru 2015 Informasi Terbaru 2015

From the discussion of the Timun Mas folklore, there are eight prominent moral values, namely religious values, independent values, curiosity values, hard work values, responsibility values, honesty values, creativity, the value of the spirit of hard work. And from the research results, it can be concluded that the folklore of Timun Mas has.