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March 8's Wordle answer is not the hardest to solve, but it does start with a vowel that could cause you to lose your streak. Words that start with a vowel tend to be challenging as it isn't the first thing players think of when doing the puzzle. Since there are two vowels, it is advisable to play today's Wordle using the hard mode.. When using Wordle's hard mode, you will notice that.

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Wordle answer for word 993 on 8th March 2024. Even with the above clues, still not sure and want to keep that streak going? The Wordle answer today is EARLY.. My ease at getting yesterday's Wordle.

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Indeed. When I use a hint, I don't intend them to take it. Because if they take the hint, they are gonna get mad. If I hint they are selfish piece of shit, and they got the hint, they get mad. So, it makes no sense to expect them to take the hint. Because the purpose is to make sure they didn't realize I said they are selfish piece of shit.

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